Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not-so-bright Convict

A man in Mzuzu, northern Malawi was recently convicted of robbery and theft and sentenced to seven years IHL by Mzuzu Magistrate court. Incensed with the 'harsh' sentence, the convict questioned the rationale of it all despite the fact that the stolen goods and money were recovered. The magistrate explained that robbery is a serious offense and deserved a befitting punishment. The convict got angry and in his divine wisdom decided to swear at the magistrate. For that he got an extra two years.

Lesson #1. Like the midwife, never swear at a magistrate before the court session is over.

1 comment:

  1. Austin, Kodi akulu inu chamba simunasiyebe eti? Still alive? what are your contact details? Email me to this address

    evans zgovu
