Monday, October 29, 2007

Insanity on the roads of Lilongwe

Over the past few weeks and months, a number of traffic lights have been installed in places which previously didn't have them or vandalised one's have been replaced. These devices were placed there with the aim of brining sanity to the roads of Lilongwe. Unfortunately there are a few cowboys and cowgirls on the roads who have great disrespect for these expensive traffic regulators.

Over the past weekend I happened to be waiting patiently, like most other sane drivers, for the robots to turn green. And green they turned. What happens next? Some cowgirl appeared from nowhere and drove straight into my path and stopped right in front of me because the line she was joining was backed up for some reason. Then she looks at me, frown on her face, and muttered some words which I didn't get to hear. I was temped to roll down my window and spew out her some carefully selected choice words but the good side of me told me no. I was taught as a child never to argue with fools and idiots!

I think it's time people started respecting traffic regulations. In this case, this woman jumped a red light but still went nowhere because there was a jam in front of her. She also ran the risk of bashing my car and injuring me and others in the process. Traffic police need to get on top of this situation to avoid anarchy on ours roads. Police in Blantyre at one point brought about strict traffic light compliance, Lilongwe should do the same. The road traffic department also needs to plug the source of fake licenses, like the one this lady is obviously in possession of.

Lets flush out this insanity on the roads of our beautiful city.

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