So what does this change mean? To me it practically means nothing. Escom board chair Davies Katsonga said, and we have heard it all before, that once Kapichira and Tedzani II power plants are up an extra 40 megawatts (or there about) of power will be added to the power grid and reduce, if not eliminate, power shortages. I however take issue with that assertion. Currently there are many households in the country without power and not for dislike of that source of energy. It is because Escom simply just can’t supply! I tend to believe that the extra 40 megawatts may go someway in addressing current usage problems but does not take into account the currently unconnected and those still constructing.

The other issue that seems to dog Escom is it 2008 K80 million end of year party. For arguments sake let us say that the corporation has 5,000 employees. This would translate that a whooping K16,000 was spent per head for this party. Now unless each employee was treated to a dish of caviar and a bottle of the finest French bubbly, the figure just does not add up. I have always had my doubts that all that money was spent on Christmas crackers. Don’t ask me what my suspicions are as am not about to reveal them.
So this year Escom has indicated that it will go ahead and organize yet another end of year party, much to the outrage of certain sections of the public. I personally feel every institution needs a little celebration and staff networking and parties are one of the best ways to achieve this. After all all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Let them celebrate but this time with locally produced sea food and beverages – as tax payers we won’t accept another outrageously expensive gig!